Botox® & Dysport®

BOTOX® and Dysport®

Has your face and skin started to reflect unwanted effects of the natural aging process? Do you want to avoid a surgical procedure?  Consider BOTOX® or Dysport® with Bio Health Spa! These injectable treatments are the gold standard to minimize & prevent the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

woman getting botox treatment jupiter

What Is BOTOX® and Dysport®?

BOTOX® and Dysport® are an FDA-approved treatment option to reduce and smooth the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles, which are lines and wrinkles created by natural facial movements, and aging process. This non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option may be used to address:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines
  • Bunny Lines
  • Under eye lines
  • Jaw slimming
  • Gummy smile correction
  • Neck lines

BOTOX® and Dysport® are used to prevent normal interactions between nerve signals and muscles. They contain a botulinum protein and are neuromodulators. When this treatment is injected, it stops the nerve signals over a one-to-two-week period. The signals are unable to reach muscles which means that the muscles cannot contract. This prevents the formation or worsening of dynamic lines and wrinkles.   

What Could I Expect from the Treatment Process?

BOTOX® and Dysport® are injectable treatment options that cause minimal discomfort and only takes a few minutes to complete. Injections are administered into the muscle of your areas of concern.

Once the injections are finished, you should be able to resume your normal daily activities within a few hours. There is no set downtime associated with the process, but you may notice some mild swelling or bruising in the areas treated.

Results achieved with BOTOX® will vary for each person and the treatment areas. However, the results are typically enjoyed shortly after one treatment. A series of treatments may be recommended to achieve and maintain results. Results may last for up to a few months. 

Am I a Good Candidate?

BOTOX® is only effective for lines and wrinkles created by natural facial expressions. It is not effective on lines created by other factors such as scaring, sun damage, or smoking.

A consultation with our doctors can help determine if BOTOX® or Dysport® is the best choice for you and your goals. They will work with you to develop your personalized treatment plan and will give you a refreshed look in no time

Before & After Results

Coming Soon

Pre-Care Instructions

  • Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, Aleve®, Fish oil, and Ginko Biloba as these blood thinners could cause additional bruising
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours prior to treatment
  • Consider Using Arnica prior to treatment to minimize any bruising

Post-Care Instructions

  • Do not lie down for at least 3 hours to avoid the Botox or Dysport spreading
  • Do not go into any saunas or hot tub for at least 4 hours
  • Do not exercise for at least 3 hours
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol for the next 12 hours to minimize any bruising
  • Avoid sleeping on you face for the first night

Schedule Your Consultation in Jupiter,FL

Relaxing your appearance and reducing unwanted signs of aging does not have to require invasive surgery. Contact us today and schedule your consultation to learn more about BOTOX®! Our dedicated doctors at Bio Health Spa are prepared to help you discover the best aesthetic treatment option for you. Take the first step towards refreshing your appearance today!